
FE guest of the Sant'Anna School on the Next Generation EU

FE at MF Legal Week on “Is PNNR landing on the ground?”

European Commission: Fondazione Etica at the 1st meeting of the Expert Group on PA

Conversion and resilience at the Federico II University of Naples

Salerno, the democratic agoras

Vast Area of Cuneo: PNRR for local administrators

Rome, CNEL: The "grounding" of the PNRR

Turin: at Scuola Common di Libera we talk about administrative capacity

"The PA I would like", in live streaming

Grosseto, Press Conference: Municipalities to vote

Lombardy Region and European funds

Anti-corruption working group at OpenGov

Public debate on transparency and administrative capacity of Municipalities

Municipality of Milan: FE at Transparency Day

Press conference Lights in the Park Live

Press conference with the National Federation of Knights of Labour.

SocioLab and Società della Salute present a cycle of meetings on social impact

Green Hands project award