GROSSETO AL CENTRO promotes a public meeting to be held both in person and via the web tomorrow evening, Thursday *15* July at 21, entitled:
“A joint project for the City of Grosseto – TRANSPARENCY AND EFFICIENCY OF MUNICIPALITIES with PAOLA CAPOROSSI (Ethics Foundation and Public Rating Agency)
The face-to-face meeting will be held at the Medici throne in Piazza del Popolo, headquarters of the Pro-Loco of the City of Grosseto.
It will also be possible to participate via the web through the link: **
It will also be possible to participate via the web through the link: *
Paola Caporossi will present the new analyzed and compared data of the Municipality of Grosseto
The event is public: by participating you agree to the publication of the audio-video recording of the meeting through the website and social channels of the Grosseto al centro association.