“Disused public goods: a treasure for citizens”


Fondazione Etica has joined the Campaign for Disused Public Assets (“Available”) from the outset, launched by active citizenship, our partner for many years in civic and political battles: make disused public goods or those confiscated from the mafia usable by citizens for purposes in line with the common good and the general interest.

The initiative

Available!, launched in Spoleto in 2014, Cittadinanzattiva has launched a common process to recover abandoned real estate in order to make it usable for the activities of other subjects, acting as a facilitator among those who own or manage such properties but do not have the possibility, ability, interest in using them and those who are looking for spaces to carry out their activities.

So create one sort of bag that contains the offering (buildings and unused spaces) and the question (the request for spaces by citizens), manage the relationship between supply and demand, support the mobilization of citizens, promote virtuous practices in administrations and correct behavior among citizens.

In the publication “Available!”, curated by Adriano Paolella and presented in Spoleto last June, you can find photos and stories of 37 proven civic experiences of re-appropriation of abandoned areas and buildings, reconverted to spaces and projects for activities of general interest.

By clicking here it's possible download the free book, edited by Adriano Paolella, on recovered assets (2015).

Here you can watch interviews with scientific director Adriano Paolella, and the special dedicated to the project thesis atelier, and to some already completed projects, activated at the University of Architecture of Reggio Calabria.