PDL: Nania, good law for internal democracy parties

(AGI) - Rome, April 8, 2009

'I am in favor of a law that guarantees and regulates the implementation of art. 49 of the Constitution. One could think of a law that establishes that in order to have access to public funding, the parties must guarantee democratic processes within them.' Thus the Vice President of the Senate, Domenico Nania, applauds the appeal launched yesterday by Fondazionetica. 'The problem of internal democracy - continues Nania - also concerns the question of the selection of the ruling class and of the candidates. A code of ethics would also be needed through which the corrupt and those who use public resources for personal ends distance themselves from politics, with social discredit' And on the appeal raised yesterday by the leaders of the Pd Franceschini and the UDC Casini, to give life to the 'transparency pact', Nania comments: 'Now that the prejudices of the ex-communists for the implementation of article 49 have disappeared and that the climate favorable to the regulation of democracy within the parties has been created, the time to strengthen the Italian Democracy making it from this point of view more similar to the liberal Democracies that work'.