From the Corriere della Sera

All three to the renewal of city councils and mayors, all three with the first outgoing citizens who are re-candidates. Federico Pizzarotti (ex M5S) for Parma, Federico Borgna (centre-left) for Cuneo, Nicola Ottaviani (centre-right) for Frosinone. But are all voters informed of the work done by those who represented them? Fondazione Etica, chaired by Gregorio Gitti, selecting the Municipalities of Parma, Cuneo and Frosinone, has drawn up indicative report cards for those preparing to go to the polls. The result: Parma promoted for transparency in the relationship with citizens and in personnel management, city 2.0, but so-so in property management. Cuneo promoted for the communication of economic data and for relations with suppliers, yet lacking in the management of contracts. Frosinone rejected on all fronts: information transparency, environmental impact, procurement, personnel management, services to citizens. Fondazione Etica is of the opinion that we should do with Municipalities what TripAdvisor does with hotels and restaurants. But starting from more objective elements. He therefore selected one hundred indicators, used the sustainability indices adopted on the Stock Exchange, consulted the Court of Auditors, the Ministry of the Interior, the local health authority, the Bank of Italy. Ten researchers checked everything publicized online by local authorities. «A painstaking job», says Paola Caporossi, director and vice president, «where in the end we extrapolated benchmark Municipalities with which to compare all the others». The central point of the work is the Public Rating, i.e. a summary of indices which, depending on the outcome, can alarm or reassure voters. The analysis takes into account the budget, the environment, supplier companies, service to citizens, personnel management, governance. Defects are found everywhere. «A surprising figure», says Caporossi, «remains, for example, the difficulty of communication of the mayors. We sent a contact request email to the one in Parma. Answers? None, not even to reminders».

(Corriere della Sera – 9 June 2017)