The results and methodology of the Index of Administrative Capacity (Public Rating) of Fondazione Etica are the object of the collaboration with theTerritorial Cohesion Agency of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
The project is funded under the PON Governance, and also sees the presence of Kpmg, Doxa and Bocconi University.
The Capacity Building Programs in the framework of European and national territorial cohesion envisage specific actions aimed at promoting results-oriented performance measurements (outcome-based performance) in public administrations.
“The capacity building of the PAs is one of the thematic objectives (Thematic Objective 11) of the 2014-2020 cohesion policy and is even more central in the 2021-2027 programming in which the theme, although not anchored to a specific objective, is qualified as transversal strategic factor. As such it is taken up by the Partnership Agreement proposal and reiterated in the new programming agenda with the continuation of the experience of administrative strengthening plans and with the provision of National Operational Programs dedicated precisely to the issue of governance and administrative capacity.
Measuring the latter means, first of all, offering citizens a cognitive and civic monitoring tool. It means, secondly, making available to the individual PAs a self-diagnosis tool for their own functioning and, thirdly, providing the central government, and in particular the Agency for Territorial Cohesion (as an operational tool for overcoming the territorial divide within within the country and strengthen administrative capacity), a guideline for formulating support interventions aimed at the needs of individual local authorities.
The project takes on a highly innovative character also with respect to the Agency's institutional and operational evolution strategy.”
The Index of Administrative Capacity of Fondazione Etica will be the basis for "improving the methodologies and tools for measuring administrative capacity", with the "definition of a model for measuring administrative capacity based on ESG logic, and the application, experimentally, of the model".