BPM Foundation to support LIBenter

Faced with the spending forecast of over 240 billion euros dedicated to Italy by the European Union's Next Generation EU programme, it is clear that the undertaking of contributing to the restart of our country requires a joint commitment from all the forces of the nation, institutional and civic, each according to its own role and responsibilities.

Fondazione Etica and L'Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, promoters since 2021 of LIB enter, a temporary association created with the simple but ambitious objective of making every project envisaged in the PNRR monitorable, they continue, therefore, in their commitment constantly involving new citizens, new territories and new institutions in strengthening the civic observatory which has been active for some time now.

For this reason, in collaboration with the the municipality of Milan, and with the support of Active Citizenship Lombardy APS and Public Notice, they presented to the Banca Popolare di Milano Foundation a shared project entitled “TRANSPARENCY AND CIVIC MONITORING IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PNRR. The role of the PA and citizens". The intent of the proposed project is twofold: first of all, it is wanted support the PA in the difficult task of implementing the measures contained in the PNRR and, secondly, we want to contribute to providing citizens the cognitive tools to contribute to that role of "widespread control" that the same 2013 transparency regulation assigns to them, thereby giving their contribution to the best execution of the projects contained in the PNRR.

The BPM Foundation, having appreciated its value and the benefits deriving for the benefit of the entire country, decided to financially support the activities described in the application presented by Fondazione Etica, which will take the form of a detailed training course intended for public personnel and citizens of the Milanese hinterland. Thus continues the joint effort of institutional and civic entities that intend to combat any waste of resources.