Transparency and spending power

Great participation and interest in the webinar held on Friday 23 June, entitled "The territories and the 2021-27 programming of the European structural funds - Challenges and Opportunities”.

The webinar, organized by the Department of Regional Affairs and Autonomies on the occasion of the conclusion of the first phase of the Italy project, was opened by institutional greetings and the words of the President of ANAC, Giuseppe Busia: “Transparency is a tool to do well; it is essential to spend public resources well”, followed by the considerations of Giovanni Vetritto, Director General of DARA and Head of Progetto Italiae: “It is necessary to rethink the organization of the national territory by favoring aggregations between Municipalities to facilitate them in achieving better performances”.

Also the Director CE-DG Regio, Nicola de Michelis, in his keynote speech, drew attention to the need to support administrations, especially municipal administrations, in making their spending capacity more efficient, underlining how the huge funds available to Italy in this historical moment require conscious planning and equally rigorous reporting . And he added that our country is at the forefront on certain issues (internal area strategy, creation of the Opencoesione portal) but must make further efforts towards strengthening its spending capacity.
Italiae really wants to respond to the current difficulties by working on tools that improve the administrative capacity of the institutions themselves: one of these was presented, during the meeting, by the Working Group of the Experimental Workshop "Transparency, legality and efficiency", coordinated by Paola Caporossi, who recently worked on this important application. It's about a open source web apps, designed for all PAs and for the involvement of citizens, because it facilitates access, in an easy and intuitive way, to the data published in the Transparency Administration section by the various PAs, in compliance with Legislative Decree 33/2013.
The representatives of Unione Bassa Reggiana, of the Marche Region and the Liguria Region, illustrating this tool, recognized the importance that the app design phase already had within their organizations, led to reflect on the importance of transparency, which must first of all be substance and which must be communicated in a simple way, in order to create participation and ensure monitoring.

For details and to review the seminar, click here.