Cycle of Conferences at the University College of the Cavalieri del Lavoro

The National Federation of the Cavalieri del Lavoro has commissioned us to hold a cycle of conferences for the students who are guests of their University College in Rome. The theme will be "Transparency and Prevention of Corruption: from the logic of control to the culture of efficiency and development". The cycle will be divided into 5 meetings which will allow for an analysis of the issue of corruption and business ethics from different points of view, from that of central institutions to that of local administrations, from that of citizens to that of businesses, which will be followed by two further international meetings: one with a representative of the European Commission and the other with a representative of the World Bank.

The reports of the meetings can be printed in a Documentation Booklet to be sent to the Cavalieri del Lavoro.

The meetings should have taken place from March 2020 but the health emergency made the postponement inevitable.