BRUalinu is a regeneration project in Canicattì (AG) supported by Creative Living Lab – Edition 5, promoted by the General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture, developed for “revive underused spaces in cities, enhance urban voids by renewing or generating prospects for aggregation and participation. Create a network between public and private institutions, associations and ordinary citizens to use schools, sports facilities, squares and urban courtyards again. Imagining that forgotten places can return to being places of production of value and of a possible future”.
A seminar entitled "The final phase" is scheduled for Thursday 12 and Friday 13 September 2024. Regenerate in the South – Alternative Narratives and Politics of Change and Camilla Turelli will speak at the panel dedicated to empowerment, illustrating Fondazione Etica's approach to social impact investments and the projects started and underway.
The full program is available here.