The courage of the Sardinia Region

 width=The Sardinia Region is the first public administration in Italy to adopt a social impact investing fund.

With 8 million for economic initiatives with social repercussions (6 from Axis II "Social Inclusion" of the 2014-20 ESF PO and 2 from Axis III "Competitiveness of the production system" of the 2014-20 ERDF PO).

The SII Fund will intervene by disbursing loans, risk capital or bond issues in favor of projects aimed at creating positive social impacts. For example, it will be able to support projects concerning the integration and inclusion of workers expelled from production sectors, active policy interventions aimed at young people aged between 15 and 20 who have difficulty entering the world of work and prisoners and former prisoners. Interventions in favor of the environment and the valorisation of cultural heritage may also be supported.

The SII Fund goes beyond the logic of the "repayable fund": the beneficiaries undertake to repay the loans received, according to the logic of revolving funds. The Social Impact Investing Fund will be managed by Sfirs Spa, the finance company of the Sardinia Region