Presentation of the book “La Buona Scuola”

An isolated coherent act is the greatest inconsistency“: this phrase from Don Milani explains, with perfect synthesis, why for years we have been working on the two fronts of improvement and innovation of public policies and social policies.

For the same reason, we think it is necessary to give space, making it as effective as possible, to the debate on the situation and role of schools in Italy, regarding which Rachele Furfaro states: "Its rules and values no longer respond to the times and conditions of the society of the new millennium. The mistakes made were underestimated or silenced. It's time to dismantle the old rules and invent new ones, to give back to the Italian school its most important mission: creating equality."

Thursday 11 April, at 5.00 pm, the author Rachele Furfaro will present her book entitled "La Buona Scuola" in dialogue with representatives of schools and education in the Brescia area. The event, open to the public, will take place at the “Torricella” primary school in Brescia.

To download the poster, click here.

Rachele Furfaro is an expert in cooperative learning pedagogy and cultural policies. Permanent teacher of the state primary school from 1978 to 1991, he founded and has directed the active "Dalla Parte dei Bambini" schools since 1985, now a network of five branches in as many neighborhoods of Naples.