Here's how to change the PA (Italian Business)

It is not true that everything is bad in the South. It's not true that Northern Regions are automatically the best. The Regions with special statutes often at the bottom of the rankings. The Rbest ating is from the Tuscany Region, but weighted the data with the resident population, the best performing becomes Lombardy because it serves a greater number of users. Overall poor scores, very lacking in transparency.

These some of the results that emerged from the multi-year work of Fondazione Etica applying un Rating model, the so-called Sustainability, for all the Italian Regions and Local Health Authorities. They were presented today in the Chamber of Deputies by the President of the Ethical Foundation Gregorio Gitti and the Vice-President Paola Caporossi, during the meeting "Against bureaucracy and waste: a Rating to change the Public Administration".

No representatives of the PA at the round table, but only the direct interlocutors. The Commissioner for the Spending Review Carlo Cottarelli, the President of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Franco Bassanini, the Secretary General of Cittadinanzattiva Antonio Gaudioso, and the Manager of the Legislative Affairs Area of Confindustria Antonio Matonti. Moderated by the parliamentary journalist of Tg1 Angelo Polimeno.

Mathematics and computer science platform, the Rating presented is meant to be a tool for allocating resources to the Administrations with the best scores. By defining a scoring system through the analysis and weighting of standardized qualitative data, it manages to measure a further aspect considered essential for the public entity: the level of transparency. This is to overcome the incorrect compliance with the Brunetta Reform which does not punish poorly transparent PAs, which therefore limit themselves to publishing incomplete, outdated, uneven, incomparable data. Fondazione Etica completed the prototype in 2013, now it can also be extended to other public administrations such as ministries and municipalities.

Italian affairs - Thursday 8 May 2014